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Writer's pictureJenny Whitfield

Why Reflexology Matters To Me

When reflexology first burst into my life, I had no idea what it was. My Gran had recently passed away and I was devastated. She was the centre of our family life and, without her, nothing was right. I felt totally flat, numb, unable to move on from the heaviness of the grief I carried. But the universe has an amazing ability to send us what we need. I got chatting to a lady in an aerobics class, who told me she was a reflexologist. I took her card and promised to call, which I did out of obligation more than anything else. Arriving for my appointment I had no idea what to expect and was prepared to be unimpressed. But I soon relaxed and was drifting off when she touched a spot that made me jump out the chair. She explained it was the solar plexus, a point associated with emotions and self-confidence. As the tears started to roll down my face, I felt the dark cloud begin to lift. I have no idea how I managed the drive home, the tears would not stop pouring, and I sobbed all evening. The next morning I woke up feeling like myself again, ready to make some big changes in my life and start living in joy again. The power of reflexology had released all the negativity I was holding on to, rebalanced my emotions and put me back on track.

Years later I hit another low point. 18 months of trying to get pregnant – the rollercoaster of hope and crushing disappointment – was taking its toll. Another chance encounter brought me the solution I needed. This time it was my mum oversharing in the jacuzzi at her gym! The lady she spoke to told her about a fabulous reflexologist and she passed the phone number to me. Again I was pretty sceptical, but willing to try anything. I called Lynne and the next 14 months changed my life.

During our first appointment she commented on so many things about my physical and mental health that I thought she must be a mind reader! My feet gave away all my secrets and Lynne didn’t shy away from encouraging me to face up to all sorts of obstacles. As well as incredible reflexology she used kinesiology to sort out my IBS, and Bach Flower Remedies and affirmations to move on from the emotional trauma of a divorce. These were all things I was pretty doubtful of, but I went with it and they worked! A few months in I felt the best I’d ever felt and Lynne declared I was ready to handle getting pregnant. She told me she could feel that my Fallopian tubes needed clearing and that once she’d done that I would have a really heavy period then be good to go. Of course she can’t take all the credit, but 6 weeks later I was happy-sobbing over a positive pregnancy test! Any doubts I had about reflexology disappeared and I became a firm fan.

I had regular treatments throughout my pregnancy and those hours of relaxation were wonderful. I was struggling to get comfortable enough to sleep at night but would snore my head off in Lynne’s hands and leave feeling totally refreshed. She played a huge part in my journey and I am forever grateful for her wisdom, her compassion and her intuition.

3 years later we hit another bumpy patch in the road – I had a miscarriage and then my husband had a very nasty bout of pneumonia. We were left feeling emotionally and physically battered and bruised, but again reflexology helped us back on our feet and allowed the healing process to begin.

So when we were figuring out what on earth I could do as a new job as an ex-teacher with two small children to fit around, I jumped at the chance to retrain as a reflexologist. And it’s been a dream come true.

I decided to study with the Cotswold Academy in Cirencester – a small but top-class college with incredible tutors in a beautiful listed building. It was an absolute joy to be a student again and I’ve spent every spare second since learning anything I can about reflexology, anatomy, holistic health and my clients’ conditions. Despite lockdowns meaning we had to study via Teams, and only being allowed near my husband’s feet for months, I managed to complete the course and carry out 100 practice treatments. Each one taught me something new about this amazing therapy and I’m so grateful to the 49 people who gave up their time to help me.

The most powerful lesson I learned was that we all carry a lot of stress in our bodies, and that our bodies can’t function effectively when dealing with the effects of stress. But working the reflexes send signals to the brain that it’s safe and so it puts the body back into rest and digest mode. In this state the body is much better able to heal, repair, absorb nutrients, regulate its natural cycles such as sleep and hormone fluctuations

and do all the other amazing things our bodies do. And this means we feel more energetic and clear-headed. Receiving messages from my lovely clients telling me that they’re feeling better is the best feeling. It’s so rewarding to think I’ve helped someone and I’m able to pay forward some of the benefit I’ve received from reflexology.

This is just the start of the journey; I have a huge pile of books still to read and a long list of courses I want to take. There will always be something to learn to improve my practice, from baby reflexology, to fertility, to cancer care, and even reflexology face lifts! I’m totally committed to being the best reflexologist I can be and so excited to meet anyone who is interested to discover what reflexology can do for them.

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